The Gods

In this story, there are two dimensions, one that represents what IS and one that represents what COULD BE. The dimension that our characters reside in is full of humans, the dimension that is ostensibly a possible future, contains gods, who also exist in the past (since as gods they are immune to paradox).

All three gods that are tied to our main characters are of the Smoky Mirror class of Aztec gods.


  • Camorin is the human analog of Huitzilopchtli, the Hummingbird god who is also sometimes the sun. His sister, the moon, apparently does not get along with him.
  • Also apparently a hummingbird vampire. [think mosquito but with feathers]
  • Is the deity of war, sun, human sacrifice and the patron of the city of Tenochtitlan. Also patron god of the Mexica


He can be associated with indulgence, male sexuality, good luck and story-telling


  • Oleander is the human analog of Huehuecoyotl, the coyote trickster god. another version of zirself, huehuecoyotl also exists, have travelled back from a doomed future where both Huitzilopochtli and Tezcatlipoca died. 
  • is Xolotl's(twin of quetzlcoatl) only friend
  • "very old coyote",is the auspicious god of music, dance, mischief and song of ancient Mexico.
  • Genderfluid, shapeshifter.


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